Friday, May 29, 2009

More Baby Steps....

Let's talk more about baby stepping. In the last post I talked about baby steps vs. leaps and how both work in getting you to your goals.

I learned about visualization about twenty years ago, listening to a Jack Canfield tape, I believe. Then I learned about dream boards and setting intentions in personal growth courses. I would practice what I'd learned and sometimes I manifested what I wanted, and sometimes I didn't.

And then we all watched "The Secret." It was a wonderful reminder and triggered me to do additional research. I recognized that I needed to raise my vibration during visualization. Oh, and to feel good! Okay, a little more success.

My thirst for knowledge brought me through two manifesting programs in the last couple years that added neurological adjustment techniques, goal setting, and doing affirmations correctly. So, I got my meditations, my affirmations, my vision board, my story of my masterpiece of a life that I read over and over and over. I keep my vibration up, my brain linked, my picture perfect.....

I forgot the baby steps. I'm trying to get from where I am to where I want to be in one leap. Of course the perfect man for me is on my vision board - smiles, walking together, dancing, hugging, growing old together. But here's the kicker. I forgot to visualize "meeting someone", then "a date", then a "second date."

And there's my perfect body on the dream board - riding a bike, hiking, doing fancy yoga twists. I forgot to visualize buying a bike and putting the present body on it, or walking this present body around the block, or enrolling in a yoga class. My baby steps are missing.

Now, the baby steps are probably listed in the plans as things "to do." And they are still on the "to do" list because - I'm focused on the big picture and I forget to look at the list of things "to do."

Baby stepping in visualization is about being. It's about letting the Universe know what you want to experience now (like, a date!), and allowing that manifestation. If I'm looking off into the future, I'm going to miss that wink from across the room.

So today, I'm breaking it all down in my my visualization. I'm even picking just two or three manifests instead of all twenty-five "I've arrived" future items on my board. Letting the Universe know I'm ready and willing to meet the man, allowing the perfect bicycle to show up, and choosing to feel good instead of overwhelmed. Ah, what a great day!

1 comment:

  1. Hello Ricki,
    In my reading of your post...this is what I have observed. In the past and perhaps now, you operated as a large chunk person and in some events you may need to chunk things down to get the results you desire. You like to be "ready" have your ducks in a row so to speak, which gives you feelings of certainty as well as clarity in what you are creating in the universe.
    You might consider using all 5 or at least 3 of the representational systems to support your goals, visualization is fabulous and you can and will get results. Although when creating the synesthesia of the Rep Sys. you will find a whole new way of being and enjoying the journey of your outcomes.
    Perhaps a Guided Timeline or a Well Formed Outcome process, or even a walk through the Neurological Levels might assist you in your adventure! Remember to breathe and "You are what you Think"
    Thank you for allowing me to share.
    Mary Jo McFalls CPC CFC NLPP LMM
