Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Is It Enough To Just Be?

At first, absolutely no topic of inspiration was coming to me.  Then, too many to choose from were there in my head.  But also in my head were all the things I needed to do besides blog.  On top of that, I don't know what's going on - the alignment of the planets, one getting ready to pass between Earth and the Sun, Solar Eclipses, Lunar Eclipses - or maybe I'm just going crazy, as are some of the people around me, but suddenly I can't add numbers, can't focus, can't make a decision, doubt my decisions, and get too easily drawn into others' drama!  I told the others at the Higher Self Bookstore that we needed to start wearing aluminum foil caps to reflect the planetary craziness!  But I digress...

I was sad this past weekend, the one year anniversary of my Mom's transition.  But more fascinating to me was that I had a hard time not dwelling on the end days, which were not pleasant (a nice way of saying painful).  I had to consciously go into my memory for the good times, the laughter, and the sweetness of my experiences with my Mom. I'm counting on time to heal this.

There is a school of thought that if we, individually, would learn to be peaceful within ourselves, practice loving ourselves and others, and recognize that we are one and living our best life - that we would automatically bring peace, love, and oneness to the world.  I've been questioning if this is really enough at this point in our existence on this home we call Earth.

At my last women's group, we discussed the various religions and the various religions within the religions.  Example, just how many different Christian religions or churches are there?  Why are there so many?  Why don't some of them get along? Why don't some of them play nice with those of other religions. It is the same for all of them - they all branched out based on - well, I'm guessing it had as much to do with belief choices as it did with community choices, but I don't really know.

So, thinking of Mom, it occurred to me that if my sister and I hadn't had conversations about what we believed with Mom, Mom may not have had an opportunity to explore with us, to find another way of looking at things.  Mom was raised Christian, but that didn't stop her from being judgmental and miserable. Mom finally took the same personal growth courses we had and was able to look at things differently and find more peace in her life.  I like to believe she created an even closer relationship with Jesus by letting go of the "what's right" and "what's wrong" of her earlier upbringing.

Cindy (my sister) and I were "being" different after taking the courses.  We were happier, more at peace with ourselves, more open and loving to others, more calm in the midst of chaos and drama.  Our lives were changing as a result and it all looked pretty darn good!  If we hadn't been "being" and expressing ourselves in a new way, Mom would probably not have listened.  Just imagine my being judgmental, angry, and miserable while telling Mom I knew a way for her to bring more joy and peace into her life.  Dah!

Now, we could have kept our mouth's shut - saying, "Oh, she won't understand.  Mom's just Mom.  Let her believe what she wants to believe."  I'm glad we didn't.

Maybe it isn't enough to just "be" peaceful, loving, and quiet.  With all that's going on here and now, we need to have a conversation.  Many conversations.  We can't know for sure who is ready to listen and who isn't. Not unless you speak.

What do you know that they don't know that may change -everything?  What might they know that you don't that just might change - everything?  "Be the change you want to see in the world." (I think that was Ghandi?)  Then, talk about it!  Start talking even if you think you can't "be" the change you want to see in the world, yet.

I'm going to sign off for now and go enjoy my new sanity, which looked a lot like insanity yesterday.  I apologize if this blog seems a little scattered - I can see the connections and I hope you do, too. Now, if I could just find my new (tin foil) hat..........