Wednesday, August 5, 2015

The Great Shift

In the highest interest of letting my grandson sleep as long as possible this morning,  I was being quiet and looking around for something to do for a few minutes.  Noticing some journals on a shelf, I randomly picked one up and started to read.  It was a gratitude journal and the initial entries were dated in 2007.  Between the lines I could identify what was going on in my reality then and reflected on the lessons learned.  Wasn't all peaches and cream, but I was reaching for the peaches, aiming higher.

For some reason the dates jumped to 2013, post '2012'.  As I read and remembered the situations and experiences going on at that time, it dawned on me that this was the "shift" in full swing, expanded, accelerated, blown up and demanding my full attention.  I truly believe that since December 2012, we have all been experiencing this energetic shift, the Universe insisting that we must learn our lessons NOW, that change is happening whether we go kicking and screaming, or awake and seeking what's true.

The dark got darker and the light got lighter.  As I listen and pay attention to people and groups of people, near and far, it is apparent that there is gross resistance at one end and major acceptance at the other.  It may not be war, but it is no longer a game.

These past couple of years have been challenging for all of us, to say the least.  This year, however, I see the manifestations, peace and prosperity among us, or definitely on its way.  We took a long, hard look at what we were creating and decided we didn't like it, it wasn't our preference, and chose anew.

For me, it was a matter of changing my perceptions, identifying what I truly wanted, letting go and getting out of my own way.  I didn't try to force anything or anyone, manipulate outcomes, or hold the on to "this is how it has to be".  The manifestations I chose aren't happening overnight, but they are happening.  I am seeing evidence of this almost everyday!

Yes, I have buyers for the Higher Self Bookstore (can't wait for you to meet them!), my health care is taken care of, a steady income is lined up, my house will be taken care of, and my family is making positive adjustments and arrangements toward being independent.  I chose freedom - and I am being freedom!

I am pleased to no end that others are realizing their dreams as well!  Can't get there by resisting change, wishing things were as they were, or staying stuck in woe-is-me.  Rejoice in what can be!

I am very excited about the future of the Higher Self Bookstore.  Please remember, if you need guidance or assistance on your journey, we are here to help.  Always.  Namaste!