Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Playing the Game
On a lazy Saturday afternoon during vacation, we were sitting around playing a game called Skip-Bo. The object of the game (in order to win, of course) was to get rid of the 30 cards in your stack. The strategy in winning was to not play cards that would allow another player to play a card off their stack.
During the fifth (I think, I kinda lost tract) game I had a thought come to me about changing the intention of the game. As this idea developed it became more and more uncomfortable to play the way I had been playing, which was basically a cut-throat strategy.
So, for the next game, I presented this idea: The intention of the game is to play in such a way as to help everyone else to win. You still had to follow the rules, and you absolutely had to play the card at the top of your stack if it could be played. I called it taking care of yourself.
One of us became quite disturbed at first, not because she didn't want to play with that intention, but because she no longer knew how to play. Changing the intention changed the strategy, and she had the strategy on how to win the game the way it was played before down pat. There were no rules for the new intention; the rules of the game remained the same.
There was a little confusion as we focused on playing the cards in a way that best served the other players. The old strategy had to go out the window! Where the focus had been on the "most important card" being the one on top your stack and playing all the cards possible to get that card off the top of the stack, that stack now actually became a nuisance. That card sometimes blocked another player's chance to play their card, which blocked them from winning.
Some gambling was attempted as well. Do I play all the cards in my hand so I can get another five cards that may help the other players win, even if playing all the cards in my hand blocked someone else's play? This consideration was played out in different ways by the different players. No judgment, just see what happens.
The game took at least twice as long as the previous games. An interesting result was that at the end, everyone had just a couple cards left in their stack. Playing the old way, the remaining stack counts would often be very unbalanced - one player may actually have most their cards left!
Once the confusion was gone, once everyone let go of how to do it right, the feel of the game was awesome! It felt good, really good.
So, how can we apply this new intention to other games? Well, maybe some of you already play this way, so it's not so new. How can we apply this intention to the game of life? What are the rules and how do we do it right? It really doesn't matter about the rules or doing it right. What became obvious in the new-and-improved Skip-Bo game was that if you held the intention for everyone to win, you knew what to do.
When everyone wins, well EVERYONE wins! When we help everyone be successful, it just makes sense (well, now it's much clearer to me - gotta love visuals!) that we, too, achieve success. We Are One, after all, don'tcha know:)
Are you ready to play a new game, use a new strategy? Just imagine if we were all out to help everyone else win - what a game of life that would be! I wanna play! I wanna play!
Happy Holidays to everyone! Come on over - we'll play some cards!
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
The Drama Demon
Drama. We all get sucked into it at times if we aren’t awake and aware. I refer to awake and aware as being in my right mind. I am totally guilty of being asleep at the wheel, jerking awake to look around and say “What the hell just happened? How long have I been here?”
What gets me is that I know better. I have practiced standing in that neutral space, separating the facts from the stories and blocking the energies shot in my direction. Still, sometimes I’m caught unaware. I am grateful for the years of practice that help me “wake up!” much sooner than later.
This ever happen to you? You get wrapped up in your perceptions, or someone else’s perceptions, making up stories and proclaiming what is right and what is wrong - rather loudly! Then you proceed to bring others into your drama, convincing them that you are right and justice must be served! Well, maybe not to that extreme. Maybe you just start feeling bad, your vibration takes a dive, and you just want to feel better.
Is it possible to avoid the Drama Demon? Yes. Let me give you a couple examples.
First, take a step back. Now, identify what is fact from the parts that are made up. By fact, I mean, those things that are tangible, touchable, etc. As in “these words were said.” Leave out all the emotion. Now, the rest is all perception. We give meaning to the “words said” (we fill in the blanks) and draw from our past to make sense of what we just heard. Don’t get me wrong, our past serves us well, unless it doesn’t. Our past experiences can keep us safe and help us from making “the same mistake.” But sometimes our past remembrances can cause us to assign an experience that just does not apply in every situation.
Second, ask yourself “what else can it be?” Again, we make up the stories and there are always lots of stories that be imagined in any situation. Try to get more facts. If this isn’t possible, stick to the story that works best for you. One that comes from love and helps you to feel good. Do not judge – discern.
A little practice and you may find you can avoid a lot of drama. Besides, no one likes having to say they made a mistake and have to make amends after playing with the Drama Demon. Been there, done that, too.
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Wake Up - I'm Dreaming!
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
NOW Practice NOW
At this moment, I am practicing writing, typing, letting the words flow through me, and listening for a customer to enter the Higher Self Bookstore. Of course, we all know you cannot do more than one thing at a time. I like to think I can, that I’m a fabulous multi-tasker, but in reality – one thing at a time. (Excuse me; I need to peek in on the front of the store.)
Ok, where was I? Yes, practicing. I had the honor of meeting Dan Millman, author of The Way of the Peaceful Warrior, among many other just as wonderful books. He presented me with a copy of his latest book, The Four Purposes of Life. I know what you’re thinking, another book on the purpose of life. Well, this one intrigued me, and I read it over the next two days. (Oh, there goes the phone.)
The big AHA for me in this book was a way to be in the now, to experience the present moment – by practicing. Whatever I am doing in any moment, practice that! (I really should be cleaning the bathroom; I’ll do it in a minute.) Practice doing the dishes, practice typing, practice taking a shower, practice, practice, practice! (Oh, now I have to go to the bathroom! Be right back. Unless I get busy, in which case I’ll be back as soon as I can.)
Ok, I’m back, and practicing sitting in this chair. Now I’m practicing talking to you! Yes, I’ve been poking a little fun at trying to do several things at one time and getting interrupted, physically and mentally. But I gotta tell you, when I truly focus on practicing what I’m doing, I am in the Now. Another benefit of practicing what I’m going, I learn way to do it better! That’s what practicing was always all about, wasn’t it?
My daughter and new grandson now live with me. Jonathan Stanley is eight weeks, and Anna is recovering from a post-partum heart failure and graves disease (I know I should capitalize, but I don’t want to give them that much importance).
(Oh, I have to leave for a bit. Sorry.) Ok, I just practiced Being with some lovely people and ringing up a couple sales. I’m not just playing with the words here. When I remember to practice what I’m doing, I am fully present!
Now, back to family life. On top of everything else, my lists of things to do have multiplied significantly. As I practice feeding the baby, and not thinking about what I should be doing or what I’ll do next when I get up off this chair, I enter the moment in Joy. I practice interacting with my daughter, focused and fully present, and I enJoy her company! Of course, sometimes I forget, and when I forget, I’m not so happy – go figure!
My intention is to practice what’s in front of me to do (not “think” about why I have to do it, why doesn’t someone else do it, it’s not my turn), and trust that I will know what to do in the next moment that follows. Eckhart Tolle, author of The Power of Now, says to “think” less to be in the present moment. If I’m practicing, my thinking is minimized to the one thing I’m doing. Imagine that! So, thanks Dan and Eckhart, from me, in the Now!
Monday, August 1, 2011
Anew! Anew! Anew!
Now, just get a rap beat in your head and sing! Oh, I mean Rap! Feels good, you'll like it. Maybe we can put a band together and take it on the road....the possibilities are infinite!
Anew Rap
The same ole life keeps happenin’ to you
You do all the things that you should do
With etiquette and manners, please and thank you
But the same ole life keeps happenin’ to you
Create yourself Anew.....Anew
Create yourself Anew, Anew, Anew, Anew!
You smile when you’re sad and be sad when you should be
You check your dreams and take a look at real-ality
Indoctrination’s got you and you long to be free
The same ole life keeps on...don’t you see?
Create yourself Anew.......Anew
Create yourself Anew, Anew, Anew, Anew!
There’s a better way, you gotta look down deep
Check you beliefs before you go back to sleep
Name your dreams and shout ‘em in the street
Speak your truth, don’t be afraid to repeat.
Create yourself Anew.......Anew
Create yourself Anew, Anew, Anew, Anew!
Don’t hide your light, the world needs your greatness.
Look in the mirror and claim your mighty likeness
You’re a child of God in all your brightness
Take your stand to be love and rightness
Create yourself Anew......Anew
Create yourself Anew, Anew, Anew, Anew!
Create yourself Anew......Anew
Create yourself Anew, Anew, Anew, Anew!
Saturday, July 2, 2011
Signs, Or Lack Thereof
The importance of signs, as well as the consequences of the lack of signs, has been joyously and painfully brought to my attention. Here is a picture of the Higher Self Bookstore just a few months ago. We could easily direct customers here by saying "look for the purple awning!"
The owners of this building decided it needed a face lift, and we were actually quite excited about it. The first thing they did was take down the purple awning. The second was to remove our address numbers. Almost immediately people were calling to find out where we had moved to, did we close? - they couldn't find us! How many looked for us, didn't call, and went on their way with their own assumptions - no idea. We grabbed markers and created temporary signs for the window, because the owners promised they would give us new signage (that was three months ago). But as you can see, we've practically disappeared. Dear Friends of the Higher Self, new and old, we are here!!!
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
There's a Fine Line
Monday, May 2, 2011
What Did I Say?
When I was young, I was taught to talk. Then I was taught how to talk. Respectfully, politely, using the proper volume, and never speaking in anger. The hardest part was using the proper “tone-of-voice.” Still is, sometimes.
Fear of saying the wrong words in the wrong tone-of-voice too softly or too loudly literally kept my mouth shut. Of course, I didn’t understand about body language yet, so when I got “How dare you look at me like that” it was as though my mind had been read, my thoughts heard, in, of course, the wrong tone-of-voice. Oh, the guilt of it all!
Without being aware of what I was doing, I began talking less and being careful not to show emotions when I did. To do that, I had to suppress my feelings and don a magical mask that knew how to change to keep the other person comfortable.
These were not conscious choices my young self was making. They were unconscious, mechanical choices made to protect and assure survival.
As I write, I can see how this may be interpreted as very dramatic and leaves the reader to imagine how awful my growing up years were, or compare my past to their past and think of me as a cry baby. Interpretation of what is said and what is written is the key.
Writing seemed an easy solution to communicating without upsetting someone with the wrong intonation, word, or “look.” At school I researched the facts carefully for reports, and passed notes to friends and potential boyfriends in class.
I didn’t always get the “A”, and once in a while a friend would be mad after reading a note, leaving my stunned, asking “What did I say? What did I say?”
College provided speech and communication classes, and the job offered a “powerful communication skills” workshop. One workshop the company offered tried to teach us how to identify “personalities” so you would know how to communicate with them effectively. It’s one thing to know how to talk; it’s another to know whom you are talking to. I didn’t get it at the time, and I couldn’t catalog your personality now if I tried.
Back then I figured I knew what I meant when I said what I did, and you should know what I meant as well. Just as I always knew what you meant when you said what you said. Sometimes I’d pretend I didn’t know what you meant and would ask you what you meant by what you said. But I really knew. I was always right.
Did you ever find yourself having to explain or defend what you said or wrote? Of course you did and I did as well. I explained a lot, frustrated that I had to do so. Why wasn’t I understood when it was so very clear to me? There must be something wrong…with the other person, not me!
After my divorce, I tried to write letters to my ex instead of talking to him directly. Talking with him (really – mostly I listened) caused me to be emotional, defensive, and angry. I had a hard time saying what I wanted to say because I felt so intimidated. When I wrote my letters, I made sure I was calm, my thoughts collected, and tried my best to stick to the facts. It didn’t work. His take on what I had written never matched my intent.
It wasn’t just with him. As I paid closer attention I finally realized that there was something going on with the receiver of my written word that caused an interpretation different from what I thought I had communicated. But still, I must have done something wrong. It’s always all about me, right?
I have been paying quite a bit of attention to language and words, as well as tone-of-voice, over the last few years as I’ve pursued personal growth and awakening. I have learned and identified such things as negative language, disempowering words, and that there is no such thing as “constructive” criticism. That someone’s tone-of-voice will reveal how they feel.
Around my house, while my daughter was growing up, you may have heard what sounds like “disrespect” coming from Anna’s mouth, because she yelled or growled or used the wrong tone of voice when speaking to me. I took a lot of flack from other people about allowing this. But I wanted to know how she was feeling! I wanted her to know she could always speak to me and say what’s so, in the moment, with feelings. I would not shut her up! I don’t know if I was right or wrong. I do know Anna, now eighteen, speaks freely to me about just about anything. And I have her deepest respect.
Now, when what I have said or written gets interpreted differently than how I intended it, I first check myself for any underlying, unconscious thoughts or feelings that may have risen to the surface and were identified by the recipient. It happens!
If I find nothing there, I check to see what’s up with my listener. Did I hit a sore spot by accident? Are they just really in a rotten mood today? Is there some way I can help? I get now that it isn’t ALWAYS about me.
In all relationships, from the one you have with the postal carrier to your significant other, there has to be communication. At some point¸ and sometimes regularly, there will be “miscommunication.” This is the opportunity you give to each other to grow. To get in touch with yourself and to connect with them. This is how the real truths and beliefs are revealed.
You get to decide in the moment if you want to continue in a dialogue of misunderstandings, hoping in the end that you get to be right? Or connect in love, share, grow, and everybody wins! Waking up to what is going on beyond the words, the looks, the tone-of-voice is the first step to real communication.
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
A Likely Story
The Higher Self Bookstore celebrates it's 25 year anniversary on April 7th. I became caretaker on July 7, 2000. The numerology and astrology of these birth dates is really quite fascinating. But that's another story.
The story I heard about the origin of the Higher Self Bookstore goes something like this: Donna, the original creator, was buying so many books and products to support her personal studies, growth, and development that her husband suggested she might as well open a store. So she did!
I like this story, and I've repeated the story to others. However, I have never confirmed the story with Donna. There actually may be no truth to it at all! Now I find myself pondering just how many stories I repeat out of ignorance, because I either like the story or because I'm afraid and pass on the story to warn you about something you should be afraid of as well.
Every once in a while I forward something via email, or copy and paste on facebook, information I find out later is totally bogus. Is it because I want it to be true? Do I send it on from a place of compassion and consciousness-raising, or to create drama?
Happy stories that I've made up and hold dear can be like a good joke, bringing smiles and laughter. Whether they are true or not may hold no consequence. Stories of gloom and doom are not quite so innocent.
So what about the stories we accepted as true just because someone we assume is an authority. Like our parents, teachers, spiritual leaders, politicians, and authors. Granted, most the stories work for us - like this is how to read, how to drive a car, how to make oatmeal, and how to have safe sex. And then there are those that just don't work anymore and show up as limitations. You know which ones I'm talking about because they don't feel right, don't make sense. They separate us, make us fearful, judgmental, and self-righteous. We repeat them anyway.
When I say "Challenge authority", what I mean is do your research. Ask yourself, "is this true." It may not matter if you are just going to keep it to yourself. It may be a good practice to check the facts before entering into a debate.
The good news about stories is you made it up, or you made a choice to accept it. Yep, good news because you can also choose to change it or make up a new story. We are meaning-making, storytelling human beings, so make it a good one, one that works - for the highest good of all with harm to none.
Everything you've just read here is just a likely story. I made it up. I don't know the truth beyond a reasonable doubt, but I have done some research so it makes this all just a "likely" story.
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Flow with the Flux
The other day the word flux showed up in my head while talking about how fast the world seems to be changing and the increasing challenges that are appearing in so many people's lives. I figured it was time to read the actual definition of flux. 1) flow 2) rate of flow 3) a continuous movement or change.
I pick Door Number 3! Yup, continuous change can sure provide the opportunity for a person to think they are going insane. We are in flux like we have never been in flux before (well, I've read that we have been here before but "we" in our bodies of today have not.)
It would be nice if we could put on the brakes and take a breather, but that is not going to happen and we'd only want to take another break, and another. We must learn to be in flow with the flux!
You can be in a state of flux, call it bad, and make yourself crazy. Or you can learn to be in flow with the flux and enjoy the ride. You can't stop the universe, or the new energies that are affecting us on all levels. You can't change congress in a day, or bring peace to the world in an hour. You can flow with the changes and bring peace to yourself now.
I know, all the teachers are telling you to accept change, embrace change, practice change - and they are absolutely right. But how? Breathe, deeply. Know that you are at choice - you can let go instead of fight the flux. My therapist (Chinese medicine) told me my hip problem was because I was being pulled in too many directions. Allowing would be more accurate. What else was I to do but twist and turn to keep all the balls in the air - flux adding more balls all the time?
Well, I identified which balls must be managed in this moment and let the others drop. Let me tell you there were some people who were not happy with this decision. Later, when I was more balanced and the stabbing in my hip went away, I went to pick up the balls I had dropped and, lo and behold, they were gone! Of course, new balls are always coming my way via flux - some I grab onto, some I let go by.
As my hip healed, I rested. Breathe and rest. Some mornings I'd wake up in a sour mood, with no reason for it (ever happen to you?). I'd spend the entire morning psycho-analysing myself! What's up with me? Is there a buried issue coming up? Did a dark entity enter my house?
When I got to the Higher Self Bookstore, a psychic might say "did you feel that energy shift?", or an astrologer would tell me we just entered mercury retrograde or this planet just entered that other planet's orbit - did I feel it? So, I had spent my precious morning looking for what was wrong with me when all that happened was a shift in energy. I don't do that anymore.
Breathe, rest, and choose what you want to pay attention to. Flux in itself is not good or bad. Avoid judging the flux! In her frustration, Brenda made flux a bad thing. Flux is flux, flux is flow, it is what it is. You can't fight it, so flow with it. Here's a little something that came to me this morning that helps in discerning good and bad:
There was a little girl, who had a little curl - right in the middle of her forehead
When she was good, she was doing what she should -
And when she was bad she was awesome!
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Integrity and Following the Rules
I have a confession to make - I'm a rule follower. At the same time, I'm the first one to declare, "Challenge Authority!" I have not been practicing what I preach, and I am waking up to the fact that the rules are just not keeping up with the fast-paced changes that are occurring.
Somehow, I had incorporated "following the rules" into my interpretation of integrity, and a woman of integrity is who I have chosen to "Be." By this, what I mean is, I stand by my word. If I say it, I will do it. My word is my bond, you can count on me. Over the years, I have been more careful with my "word" and this practice has resulted in more balance in my life, not over committing my time, etc.
Of course, there have been times when I had to change my priorities and change my word. As an example, just in the last 24 hours, I agonized about traveling home today as I had said I would. A blizzard has just passed through this region and it is still snowing. I know I could get on the road and make it back to Traverse City, Michigan, today - driving slowly, and carefully, and watchfully of other drivers on the snow-covered, icy-in-places, I-75 North. Tomorrow it will be sunny. One would think this would be an easy decision, but for me it was not.
I recognize that I have become attached to this identity, a woman of integrity. I follow the rules, even to the detriment of my well-being, the well-being of my family, and of my business. Some of the agreements I entered into years ago did not take into account the changes that have occurred, neither by me or the authority I gave my power away to. The authority (the companies and people I gave my word to, either verbal or under contract) insist I keep my word. What to do?
First, I detach from the unfair limitation I placed on myself - the strictly defined and restricting label of integrity = rule follower. Second, I will assess what the truth is. What was true then is not always true today, so I will not proceed blindly into this is the way it's always been done so do your duty or else. Third, I willingly step out of the box (in this case the box is about always following the rules) and see just what can be done for the highest good of all with harm to none (which includes me!)
It amazes me that it always come down to the same lesson no matter the challenge, the issue, or the situation: Notice, awaken, detach (let go), step out of the box, and let the how show up as I take action.
It's okay to change my rules when the game has changed. It's okay to keep my word and I will, and I will allow for amendments and addendums - for the highest good of all (me included).