Friday, November 6, 2015

A Funny Thing Happened…

… just a few days after my last blog.  I arrived at the store in the morning and Charlotte was excited to show me the new space that had opened up for lease across the street.  It was awesome, I agreed, with a view of the bay!   But I was looking to sell, not get into another lease.

The buyers I mentioned last month had an unfortunate habit of not communicating with me regularly.  In fact, just two days earlier I had left another message for them to call me with no answer.  Now, I needed some answers if I was going to contemplate moving across the street.  I left another, rather terse, message.

Shortly after, the mail arrived, and in it was a letter from those buyers saying they were not going to be able to buy the ‘Higher Self’ after all.  So, finally, an answer.  Now what do I do?  Call Jeff and Jo!  [Jeff and Jo Currier own ‘Ways to Wellness’ in Midland, Michigan, and were looking to expand when they heard about the Higher Self Bookstore going up for sale this past spring.  They absolutely met my intentions as perfect buyers and caretakers and the staff who met them agreed.  Alas, the bid they gave me, at that time, was less than I could accept.]

So, I called ‘Ways to Wellness’ and was told that both Jeff and Jo were out for the day.  I said I’d call the next day.  Ten minutes later, Jeff is calling me back!  I told him ‘what was what’ and he said he was coming up to Traverse City to see the new space … NOW! 

It would take Jeff almost three hours to get here which would spill into the time I was supposed to babysit my grandson.  Not to worry. A wonderful volunteer, Amy, stepped in last minute and became great friends with my grandson, Jonathan!

Jeff met with the real estate broker and looked at the space across the street; then, he met with me to look at the new numbers and figures; and then, he asked what price I wanted.  Because the store had been doing so well (since I made the decision to sell) I was able to reduce my asking price.  Jeff said, “We can do that!”

While I was waiting for Jeff to arrive, I received a text from one of the not-now buyers.  She said that the four of them (yes, two couples had intended to buy) had conducted a burning ceremony to release their connection to the store and to call in what I needed.   I sent a text back saying that it was working! AND, expressed my gratitude.

That day the energy in the store was like a Light Tornado or Possibilities!  Once that boulder had been moved, everything just flowed into place. Why things moved as they did until now I'll never know, but I do know it was all perfect.

Since that day it has been a whirlwind of activity as we prepare to change ownership and move (yes, move!) the business across the street!  We will sign papers AND move on November 30th!

The Higher Self Bookstore will continue with enhancements at 313 E. Front Street!  The rest stays the same including personnel, readers, and regular events.  No, I don’t know what I will be doing other than taking a sabbatical and getting quiet so I can hear clearly the “whats” and” wheres”  the Universe has in mind for me.

For more info on Jeff and Jo and Ways to Wellness, visit  It has been my extreme pleasure to have shared with you and intend to write at least one more blog.  Thank you for letting me in.

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Between Heaven and Heaven

Halloween is coming, and we are planning for our annual Halloween Psychic Fair at the Higher Self
Bookstore.  I did not think I'd still be here, nor did I think I'd need a Halloween costume this year.

At the beginning of this year, I thought I might be spending this summer at the lake.  Come spring, I thought I'd move to the lake the end of summer.  As I lived and worked through the summer, I would see myself spending the fall in all its glory at the lake.  I really don't want to be at the lake this winter, and would like to plan an extended trip to Florida.

The word "limbo" keeps coming to mind, though I wouldn't say I was in the dark - the flickering fluorescents above remind me that I am always in the light!  I also would not say I'm between heaven and hell.  More like, I'm between this heaven and that heaven!

Yes, I have buyers for the store and, no, I don't know when they will come to take over and it is okay.  It is business as usual for me and the store is doing very well and I love this little bit of heaven.  However, my very human side wants to make plans! Those around me wish I had definite plans as well.

It has been quite the experience to literally take things day-by-day, week-by-week. I could pack, but what if...  I could sell the house, but what then...  I could buy a plane ticket, but when...  I find it all very, very fascinating.  I am living in the moment, in the now. 

So, in my now moment, I am getting ready for all that may happen in the next now moment, without over-thinking what may happen in the next now moment.  I mean, what a waste of energy that would be.  Hey, here's a thought - maybe that is how it is done!  Is this what Eckhart Tolle was writing about in The Power of Now?

Today my Dad is at the lake, up from Florida for a few days, so that's where I'm headed when I finish this blog.  I'll sit and look at the lake, bask in the new autumn colors, and let my Halloween costume appear to me, in the moment, without over-thinking it.  All is well.

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

I Don't Know

When are you closing on the store?
I don’t know.

Are you going to Gem Show in October?

I don’t know.

What are you going to do after you sell the store?
I don’t know.

Are you going to teach?  Write a book?  Do a blog?
I don’t know.

Are you going to stay in Traverse City?
I don’t know.

Yes, I find myself saying “I don’t know” quite a lot these days.  Actually, I’ve been practicing being okay with “not knowing” for a number of years, now.  Used to be I’d feel guilty for not knowing the answer to a question – as if I should know!  I’d even make up answers, offering several replies that might fit into what the asker wanted to hear.  I aimed to please, after all.

Now, at the Higher Self Bookstore, if we don’t know something we do offer to find out.  We do our research and are prepared the next time the question comes up.  We are committed to being knowledgeable to better serve our visitors. 

Have you ever had someone get mad at you for not knowing the answer to something?  Or, seem pleased that you don’t know and they do?  These are people who think they “need to know”, or want to impress you with what they “do know.”  Knowing is a way of determining self-worth, and showing others that they have value.  Or, they are just very, very curious people.

Want to know a good reply to questions that seem to come out of the blue?  Or, you’re not sure you want to answer?  Try this, “Why do you ask?”  At the very least, you get some clarity.

If the topic is something that interests me, and I don’t know the answer, I will pursue that knowledge.  If it has to with trivia that doesn’t interest me, I don’t.

Now, back to the questions written at the beginning of this post.  Would I like to know the answers – Yes!  Am I going to pursue the answers?  No, not at this time.  I am learning that it is okay not to know, to trust that when it is time for me to know, I will.  The answers will be revealed to me in Divine time.  This is not always easy – I like instant gratification as much as the next person.

My job right now is to stay the course, be aware and awake for necessary detours, and take care of business along the way.  To stay in the present moment and let that moment bring to me what it is I need to know right now.  It’s a good practice – I highly recommend it!

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

The Great Shift

In the highest interest of letting my grandson sleep as long as possible this morning,  I was being quiet and looking around for something to do for a few minutes.  Noticing some journals on a shelf, I randomly picked one up and started to read.  It was a gratitude journal and the initial entries were dated in 2007.  Between the lines I could identify what was going on in my reality then and reflected on the lessons learned.  Wasn't all peaches and cream, but I was reaching for the peaches, aiming higher.

For some reason the dates jumped to 2013, post '2012'.  As I read and remembered the situations and experiences going on at that time, it dawned on me that this was the "shift" in full swing, expanded, accelerated, blown up and demanding my full attention.  I truly believe that since December 2012, we have all been experiencing this energetic shift, the Universe insisting that we must learn our lessons NOW, that change is happening whether we go kicking and screaming, or awake and seeking what's true.

The dark got darker and the light got lighter.  As I listen and pay attention to people and groups of people, near and far, it is apparent that there is gross resistance at one end and major acceptance at the other.  It may not be war, but it is no longer a game.

These past couple of years have been challenging for all of us, to say the least.  This year, however, I see the manifestations, peace and prosperity among us, or definitely on its way.  We took a long, hard look at what we were creating and decided we didn't like it, it wasn't our preference, and chose anew.

For me, it was a matter of changing my perceptions, identifying what I truly wanted, letting go and getting out of my own way.  I didn't try to force anything or anyone, manipulate outcomes, or hold the on to "this is how it has to be".  The manifestations I chose aren't happening overnight, but they are happening.  I am seeing evidence of this almost everyday!

Yes, I have buyers for the Higher Self Bookstore (can't wait for you to meet them!), my health care is taken care of, a steady income is lined up, my house will be taken care of, and my family is making positive adjustments and arrangements toward being independent.  I chose freedom - and I am being freedom!

I am pleased to no end that others are realizing their dreams as well!  Can't get there by resisting change, wishing things were as they were, or staying stuck in woe-is-me.  Rejoice in what can be!

I am very excited about the future of the Higher Self Bookstore.  Please remember, if you need guidance or assistance on your journey, we are here to help.  Always.  Namaste! 

Thursday, July 2, 2015

Beep! Beep!

BeepBeep.  There's the garbage truck.  BeepBeepBeep.  Car alarm.  Beep(soft).  That's my hearing
aid telling me the battery is about to die.  DingDingDingDing.  Microwave.  ClangClang.  Door to Higher Self Bookstore opening.  Ding.  Engine light went on.  Calypso music.  Someone sent me a text.  DingDongDingDong. My grandson is outside playing with the doorbell.

Now that I have hearing aids, I am fascinated with how loud these signals seem to have gotten.  I apologize for not hearing my phone when you called prior to acquiring these wonderful devices, or not hearing you call my name in a crowd, or misunderstanding what you said to me standing just two feet away.  It's as if you were the "still, small voice" I wanted to hear but couldn't.

Wouldn't it be grand if Spirit gave me a loud Beep, Ding, Clang or Dong, when It wanted me to listen, pay attention?  BEEP - Ricki, the man of your dreams is just around the corner - turn right!  BEEPBEEP - play the lotto - today!  DING - Ricki, you must get to bed early tonight, surprises are in store for you tomorrow!

Maybe some of you do get these messages loud and clear.  I don't.  Though I am getting better at listening and paying attention to the quieter small voice, through practice.  Just because It's not loud doesn't mean I'm not receiving.  Be it intuition, a voice in my head, or a symbol, a sign, appearing at a significant time, I know I am connected.  You are, too.

Loud and clear has happened for me - twice.  You better believe I paid attention and did what the Voice told me to do.  What would have happened if I hadn't?  Don't know don't care don't dwell and don't doubt.   I trusted the loud voice, and I'm learning to trust the small one as well.

Still, I certainly would love the volume turned up a bit, wouldn't you?  Maybe get me some Spiritual Hearing Aids!  "Ask and you shall receive," from my fingertips to God's ears!  In the meantime, I shall keep on practicing, listening, and trusting.

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Whoop! There It Is!

This morning I gave my young roommate a ride to work because he had over slept.  The amazing
part, to me, was that I wasn't angry or aggravated, I didn't feel the need to lecture or berate him,  and I didn't feel sorry for myself always having to be the good girl and be nice.  About four weeks ago that is exactly how I would have reacted.

Four weeks ago, I was just as amazed at myself for the negative feelings, not to mention my negative reactions.  Just when I think I've tackled the issue(s), shifted, dis-created and re-created that part of me.  Then, whoop! There it is!  The issue may not look exactly the same, or it may have reduced in size, but there it is to be looked at, if I dare.

Now, on my defense, about four weeks ago the planets were lined up to support just this kind of disturbance.  Bless their hearts.  And when I "blew up", my daughter literally called me out.  I don't know when she became my teacher, she probably always has been, and I am grateful.  I promised I'd come home in a better mood.  I did and everything changed.

In that state of anger and frustration I had lowered my vibration and was attracting low-vibration situations that only fed that state of being.  Those around me lowered their vibration as well and there we all were, swimming in this emotional muck not knowing how to get out (or even wanting to).

So it was a turning point, that "blow up", for me and my daughter.  As we shifted into a better understanding, let go of being stuck and stepping out of the illusion, we raised our vibration and allowed higher vibration experiences to come into play.  What we learned is that we didn't have to go into the muck to have aha moments.  It is possible to get to where it is we say we want to be without wading through the mire, using awareness and practice.

I do not claim to be fully evolved, to have ascended - but I'm working on it.  I share these parts of me with you because my story may be your story.  The story can be changed - we are making it up as we go anyway - that's the good news!

How does one shift into a higher vibration?  Anyway that works for you!  Practice not taking things personally.  When looking at a situation, ask yourself  "what else could be going on?"  Decide to feel better.  Have you ever been in a heated argument with someone then the phone rings and you answer, sweetly, happily, "Hello?"  Practice shifting, call up a better feeling, even if it's just one emotion at a time, up the ladder.  Communicate, clearly, from a neutral place, what you want and listen, openly, to responses, without taking them personally.  What lifts your spirit?  What always seems to put you in a better "mood?"  You know what I'm taking about!  Then go be amazed!

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

"Why Here? Why Me?"

As I talked to people showing an interest in becoming the new caretakers of the Higher Self Bookstore, they would ask how I came to be here.  Without fail - all of them!  In 2000, the year I came to Traverse City to take the reins of the Higher Self, a new magazine was being born called the Healing Garden Journal.  An article I wrote for them tells the whole story, so I thought I'd post it for you all.  I hope you enjoy my story!

" Why Here?  Why Me?"

by Ricki Blanchard
(printed in Healing Garden Journal September 2000)

Almost four years ago, I stepped into the Higher Self Bookstore and said to myself, "I'd like to do something like this someday."  There were books everywhere (I love to read), some I've read, and some on subjects I'd never heard of.  Jewelry in shapes and symbols that held my attention.  Items for rituals, psychic and inner-exploration, most quite foreign to me.  I wanted to hang around, but a long drive back to Downriver Detroit awaited me.

I was in the area to attend a personal growth course in Northport.  Five years ago I associated personal growth with college courses and business seminars.  I was introduced to a course based on the concept that 'what you believe creates your life'.  I have been living this concept and creating my life purposefully ever since.

Just dreaming, a friend and I imagined creating an entity like the Higher Self in the Downriver Detroit area.  I also mentioned having a bookstore someday to my daughter, Anna, who took it all quite seriously.  She didn't want the dream, she wanted the reality - and she wanted it now.  I could not see how this was possible.  She started making signs for the door of the bookstore we would have - someday.

I left the corporate world and assisted in introducing the Lifeskills training to others.  I helped form a company around this curriculum (Access I Education) and learned much of what it takes to start and build a small business.  Many people have taken the Lifeskills courses, and their awakening was my main reward.  There was not a lot of money to go around in the beginning.

I knew I needed an outside income to start a bookstore.  While Anna and I continued to talk about what our store would look like, a home-based business that promised a residual income was made available to me.  I grabbed it.

While Anna and debated over gourmet coffee or a tea room in our store, other investment opportunities came my way.  Though I was still in debt from the launching of Access I Education, I did not let these get away.

Last October, I asked my women's group who wanted to invest in a bookstore with me.  They all raised their hands.  Many voices joined in the store conversation.  Anna started researching where to find investment money.

In February, during a reading, a psychic asked me when I was moving?  "Oh," I said, "I couldn't for a couple years yet.  She said it would be sooner.

In April a friend showed me the ad in the Phenomenews magazine about the Higher Self Bookstore being for sale. Yes, the store I wanted to emulate was available!  The Universe was giving what I had asked for, and I dared not say "But God, I'm not ready!", though this was my first thought.  I had no idea how to do this, but I trusted that as I took the steps, the what and the who I needed would show up.  And so it was.

I called the broker for information; I called a friend who handles mortgages who called a friend who was expert in business properties; I got advise from a friend who owned a franchise; I talked to everyone I knew, made lists of questions and got the answers.  I traveled to Traverse City with my sister, Cindy, an accountant.  I introduced myself via telephone to the owner, Kathleen Campbell, letting her know about the synchronicity that had occurred.  It was like talking to an old friend.

Now, I had arranged for the sale of my condo, but where was the rest of the money going to come from?  I went to my women's group and said,  "This is real!  Who's in?"  During the discussions that followed, my cousin turned to me and said,  "How much did you say you had in your retirement account?  Ricki, you have the money.  You can do this yourself!"  I did and I could.  Less than a year ago, my broker had gotten me into internet stocks at just the right time.  The money was there.  Coincidence?

So, I dis-created the belief that one shouldn't touch their retirement account.  My offer was accepted!  Kathleen worked with me to put all the details in place.  Utilities, insurance, lease agreements, telephone and credit card services, bank accounts, rubber stamps, waste disposal, and on and on.  We closed on July 7th. 

In two months time, my whole life had changed.  I understand about thoughts being energy, and speech making it stronger, and like matter (energy) joining like mater and eventual manifestation.  I understand it, I just don't explain it so good.  The store was more evidence for me that my beliefs, along with commitment to them and action that supports them, to create my life, the life I want when I'm intentional. 

Why this particular store?  This is more than a store.  This place has to be experienced.  Whenever I enter it, and others have told me they feel the same way, I immediately have a sense of peace, a certain calmness.  At the same time, there's an energy that lifts me up and promises happiness, excitement, and joy.

I want people to come here, take their shoes off, stay awhile, get grounded - or get high, naturally.  This place is here to
support all forms of enlightenment and transformation.  No matter what belief system, or no belief system, and no matter if a person is just starting to explore or has been on the path a long, long time, the Higher Self will provide the tools, books, ritual supplies, and symbolic reminders for whatever helps a person get in touch and stay in touch with their spirit. The store also supports natural healing, body work, and other therapies for healthy body-mind-spirit connections.  Healers/readers are here everyday and walk-ins are welcome, though appointments are recommended.  Classes and workshops are being scheduled for evenings and weekends.

I feel as if I was welcomed into the store and the community with loving, open arms.  My goal is that everyone who enters the store experiences this same feeling.  Come see.  Come feel.  I am so glad to be here, and promise to take good care of this Higher Self. 

Friday, April 3, 2015

Heart A-Thumpin'

Two months ago I announced that I was selling the Higher Self Bookstore.  Every cell in my body screamed "Yes!" so I know it is the right decision for me.  I am trusting the Universe to make this easy, trusting that I will know what to do, and if I don't, the right people will show up with the right answers. 

Letting go is a process.  In selling the business, there are many things to consider, steps to be taken, legalities to be met, figures to work and re-work, and people to interview in finding the perfect match for the Higher Self.

The part of the process I wasn't expecting (at least not to the extent they are showing up) is the wide range of emotions I'm experiencing.  From excitement to down-right fear and everything in between.

If you were to ask me if I'm an emotional person I would answer, "No, I'm not."  It may be partly my nature (Gemini - it's a head thing), and partly because I have practiced practiced practiced viewing my reality from a place of fascination and openness.  It's not often that I have knee-jerk reactions.  I practice the concept that there is no wrong or right, just what works or doesn't work. 

This morning I was remembering when I flew down to Florida to help drive my Mom back to Michigan.  The hospice nurse asked me if I was an emotional person.  I immediately responded 'No, I'm not."  She accepted this without hesitation, without doubt.  I had no doubt.  I knew I would do what needed to be done and address my emotions and feelings later.

Now you may think that maybe I just bury my feelings, and you may be right in a way.  Maybe emotions are just slower to surface in me than in others.  As I deal with the business of selling the store, I welcome the emotions that are surfacing now.  What a blessing!  I get to look at them, each and every one, so that I may uncover the beliefs that are triggering them.  It's not the feelings that are buried, it's the beliefs: what I believe about success and failure, worthiness, value, meaning and purpose of life, the future, earning, deserving, responsibilities and ownership!

Personal growth, for me, is an ongoing adventure.  I dig and dig, then I take a break.  Sometimes my break lasts far longer than the Universe would prefer, so It gives me a push.  "Ricki, you can't go up another level until you go down another layer, take a good look, then let it go!"  Isn't this exciting?!

Welcome your emotions!  They are your first indicators to what you believe.  If that belief doesn't work for you any more, let it go.  There can be a big difference between what you believe and what is true.  If your belief is working for you - rejoice!

The Higher Self Bookstore has been a huge part of my life for nearly fifteen years and, of course, there are going to be emotions surrounding the separation process.  But not because of false beliefs - like, I'm not worthy, I won't succeed, I don't deserve, I'm afraid of the unknown...heck, they are already gone!  Next...bring it on!

Monday, March 2, 2015

How Is That Like My Life?

So, I'm looking out into my backyard and I see the Red Squirrel sitting on a very skinny branch of a
bush.  Yes, the Red Squirrel is still around and still keeping most the other critters away.  Often I see two of them, now.  They do act quite differently from the bigger grey and black squirrels who used to frolic in my backyard.

As I watch, Red does not move - not one little bit.  Red appears to have its tail up along its back and I can just make out its white belly.  Ten minutes go by (maybe just six or seven, but a long time, anyway), and I start to wonder if I am really seeing Red, or am I seeing a leaf.  My eyes aren't perfect and Red is about fifty feet away.

This is most peculiar behavior, I'm thinking.  Red doesn't usually pay me much never mind and I couldn't see anything else threatening in the yard.  I was reminded of a time when I watched a rabbit stand frozen for fifteen minutes.  But that was a rabbit; not peculiar behavior for a rabbit.

It's a leaf, I decide, and move on.  A few minutes later I look again.  No leaf on the branch and no leaf on the ground.  It had to have been Red.

How is that like my life? (This is a question I use often to make sense of things, of myself, and possibly get to an aha moment or breakthrough.)  When else have I known what was so and then second guessed myself?  I knew what was true then allowed doubt to enter.

Has that ever happened to you?  You know that you know for sure, then allow someone else, or you're own stinkin' thinkin', to mess with your mind. I do it way too often, but now - I am more aware that I am doing it and can let myself know that I know.

Why do we do this?  Low self-esteem?  Lack of self-confidence?  Someone tell you you were not smart as a kid and you decided to believe it?  Maybe just fear of being wrong so we change our answer on the test at the last minute.  "I thought I made a mistake, but I was mistaken."

I was right then I was wrong, but first I was right.  Why couldn't I just let myself be right?  Ah, I am still learning.  I am still learning to check in with my "heart mind", my inner brain, for what is true.  With Red, I let my mind mess with me, using my own yet-to-be-revealed beliefs about myself against me.

Now I have more power!  The power of awareness.  The power of insight.  The power of enlightenment.  Thank you, Red the Squirrel, for these valuable teachings.