Thursday, July 2, 2015

Beep! Beep!

BeepBeep.  There's the garbage truck.  BeepBeepBeep.  Car alarm.  Beep(soft).  That's my hearing
aid telling me the battery is about to die.  DingDingDingDing.  Microwave.  ClangClang.  Door to Higher Self Bookstore opening.  Ding.  Engine light went on.  Calypso music.  Someone sent me a text.  DingDongDingDong. My grandson is outside playing with the doorbell.

Now that I have hearing aids, I am fascinated with how loud these signals seem to have gotten.  I apologize for not hearing my phone when you called prior to acquiring these wonderful devices, or not hearing you call my name in a crowd, or misunderstanding what you said to me standing just two feet away.  It's as if you were the "still, small voice" I wanted to hear but couldn't.

Wouldn't it be grand if Spirit gave me a loud Beep, Ding, Clang or Dong, when It wanted me to listen, pay attention?  BEEP - Ricki, the man of your dreams is just around the corner - turn right!  BEEPBEEP - play the lotto - today!  DING - Ricki, you must get to bed early tonight, surprises are in store for you tomorrow!

Maybe some of you do get these messages loud and clear.  I don't.  Though I am getting better at listening and paying attention to the quieter small voice, through practice.  Just because It's not loud doesn't mean I'm not receiving.  Be it intuition, a voice in my head, or a symbol, a sign, appearing at a significant time, I know I am connected.  You are, too.

Loud and clear has happened for me - twice.  You better believe I paid attention and did what the Voice told me to do.  What would have happened if I hadn't?  Don't know don't care don't dwell and don't doubt.   I trusted the loud voice, and I'm learning to trust the small one as well.

Still, I certainly would love the volume turned up a bit, wouldn't you?  Maybe get me some Spiritual Hearing Aids!  "Ask and you shall receive," from my fingertips to God's ears!  In the meantime, I shall keep on practicing, listening, and trusting.

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