Tuesday, May 5, 2015

"Why Here? Why Me?"

As I talked to people showing an interest in becoming the new caretakers of the Higher Self Bookstore, they would ask how I came to be here.  Without fail - all of them!  In 2000, the year I came to Traverse City to take the reins of the Higher Self, a new magazine was being born called the Healing Garden Journal.  An article I wrote for them tells the whole story, so I thought I'd post it for you all.  I hope you enjoy my story!

" Why Here?  Why Me?"

by Ricki Blanchard
(printed in Healing Garden Journal September 2000)

Almost four years ago, I stepped into the Higher Self Bookstore and said to myself, "I'd like to do something like this someday."  There were books everywhere (I love to read), some I've read, and some on subjects I'd never heard of.  Jewelry in shapes and symbols that held my attention.  Items for rituals, psychic and inner-exploration, most quite foreign to me.  I wanted to hang around, but a long drive back to Downriver Detroit awaited me.

I was in the area to attend a personal growth course in Northport.  Five years ago I associated personal growth with college courses and business seminars.  I was introduced to a course based on the concept that 'what you believe creates your life'.  I have been living this concept and creating my life purposefully ever since.

Just dreaming, a friend and I imagined creating an entity like the Higher Self in the Downriver Detroit area.  I also mentioned having a bookstore someday to my daughter, Anna, who took it all quite seriously.  She didn't want the dream, she wanted the reality - and she wanted it now.  I could not see how this was possible.  She started making signs for the door of the bookstore we would have - someday.

I left the corporate world and assisted in introducing the Lifeskills training to others.  I helped form a company around this curriculum (Access I Education) and learned much of what it takes to start and build a small business.  Many people have taken the Lifeskills courses, and their awakening was my main reward.  There was not a lot of money to go around in the beginning.

I knew I needed an outside income to start a bookstore.  While Anna and I continued to talk about what our store would look like, a home-based business that promised a residual income was made available to me.  I grabbed it.

While Anna and debated over gourmet coffee or a tea room in our store, other investment opportunities came my way.  Though I was still in debt from the launching of Access I Education, I did not let these get away.

Last October, I asked my women's group who wanted to invest in a bookstore with me.  They all raised their hands.  Many voices joined in the store conversation.  Anna started researching where to find investment money.

In February, during a reading, a psychic asked me when I was moving?  "Oh," I said, "I couldn't for a couple years yet.  She said it would be sooner.

In April a friend showed me the ad in the Phenomenews magazine about the Higher Self Bookstore being for sale. Yes, the store I wanted to emulate was available!  The Universe was giving what I had asked for, and I dared not say "But God, I'm not ready!", though this was my first thought.  I had no idea how to do this, but I trusted that as I took the steps, the what and the who I needed would show up.  And so it was.

I called the broker for information; I called a friend who handles mortgages who called a friend who was expert in business properties; I got advise from a friend who owned a franchise; I talked to everyone I knew, made lists of questions and got the answers.  I traveled to Traverse City with my sister, Cindy, an accountant.  I introduced myself via telephone to the owner, Kathleen Campbell, letting her know about the synchronicity that had occurred.  It was like talking to an old friend.

Now, I had arranged for the sale of my condo, but where was the rest of the money going to come from?  I went to my women's group and said,  "This is real!  Who's in?"  During the discussions that followed, my cousin turned to me and said,  "How much did you say you had in your retirement account?  Ricki, you have the money.  You can do this yourself!"  I did and I could.  Less than a year ago, my broker had gotten me into internet stocks at just the right time.  The money was there.  Coincidence?

So, I dis-created the belief that one shouldn't touch their retirement account.  My offer was accepted!  Kathleen worked with me to put all the details in place.  Utilities, insurance, lease agreements, telephone and credit card services, bank accounts, rubber stamps, waste disposal, and on and on.  We closed on July 7th. 

In two months time, my whole life had changed.  I understand about thoughts being energy, and speech making it stronger, and like matter (energy) joining like mater and eventual manifestation.  I understand it, I just don't explain it so good.  The store was more evidence for me that my beliefs, along with commitment to them and action that supports them, to create my life, the life I want when I'm intentional. 

Why this particular store?  This is more than a store.  This place has to be experienced.  Whenever I enter it, and others have told me they feel the same way, I immediately have a sense of peace, a certain calmness.  At the same time, there's an energy that lifts me up and promises happiness, excitement, and joy.

I want people to come here, take their shoes off, stay awhile, get grounded - or get high, naturally.  This place is here to
support all forms of enlightenment and transformation.  No matter what belief system, or no belief system, and no matter if a person is just starting to explore or has been on the path a long, long time, the Higher Self will provide the tools, books, ritual supplies, and symbolic reminders for whatever helps a person get in touch and stay in touch with their spirit. The store also supports natural healing, body work, and other therapies for healthy body-mind-spirit connections.  Healers/readers are here everyday and walk-ins are welcome, though appointments are recommended.  Classes and workshops are being scheduled for evenings and weekends.

I feel as if I was welcomed into the store and the community with loving, open arms.  My goal is that everyone who enters the store experiences this same feeling.  Come see.  Come feel.  I am so glad to be here, and promise to take good care of this Higher Self.