Thursday, January 2, 2014

New Year Happy?

Happy New Year!  I’m sure you are expecting lots of positive clichés, so here they are:  It’s a time of new beginnings!  Out with the old, in with the new!  Make those resolutions and stick to ‘em!  The past is past, it’s a new day, a new year!  Create a ‘Dream Board’ for 2014!  What do you want to manifest this year?!

Okay, now that that’s done, I’m going to share a little of my reality.  The thought of adding anything new to my plate is simply exhausting.  What I really want for 2014 for myself is some happy endings.  It’s been a year of extremes.  Some very, very dark as well as some very, very bright and joyful.

The more I ponder “new beginnings”, the more the “unfinished business” comes to the forefront of my mind.  I’m finding it impossible to step into the delight of creating something new in my reality.  This is quite puzzling, but I’m starting to get a glimmer into how I can make this work for me.  I want the delight!

What I can do, and will do, is take a fresh, new look at what is in my reality right now.  Just maybe, I can “begin” again, create something “new” out of what can become old.  I can create my own happy endings and make room for some new possibilities.

I’m remembering that I am at choice in my labeling and how I believe the story will play out.  I decide what is old and what’s new.  I decide what is ‘an ending’ and what is a beginning.  I decide what is dark and what is light.

I’m deciding to have a marvelous, prosperous, joyful, peace-filled 2014.  What are you deciding?

Ah, I feel better.  I hope you do, too!  Thank you for letting me share, for letting me be real with you.  May all you desire manifest at great speed in the New Year, 2014.