Wednesday, October 2, 2013


Sedona, Arizona.  Oh, my!  I was in “awe” the whole week I was there.  It was breathtaking, relaxing,   My eyes feasted and every cell in my body memorized the view as well as the feeling. And I remembered…
rejuvenating, peaceful, inspiring, calming – the mountains, the mesas, the red rock.

I remembered that this feeling always happens when I’m in mountains and water at the same time, this rejuvenation.  I also remembered that I can bring this feeling back, through visualization.

Sedona may be the most beautiful place I’ve seen so far, but I do remember other beautiful, awe-inspiring places I’ve seen in my lifetime.  These mind-pictures are in me forever, as well as the feeling, deep in my subconscious, in my soul.

There is a reason Law of Attraction teachers/authors advise you to create vision boards, to go sit in the car you desire, to stamp that bill “paid” and put it where you can see it.  The “visual” helps ingrain it into your subconscious, and your subconscious remembers everything.  More importantly, the subconscious remembers how you feel about what you are looking at, touching, listening.

That feeling of awe is mine to experience anytime I want.  I just have to remember with my head that it is there, inside me, always.

As I thought about this blog I also thought about the word “awesome”, derived from the word, awe, of course.  Many of us are so used to hearing this word, hearing it overused, in different tonalities, with different emotions behind the speaking of it – well, it’s lost its “awe.”  I, for one, an determined to quit misusing this “awe”some word!

Some of you are wondering when I’m going to get to the part about experiencing the vortexes in Sedona.  There are many, and yes, they are real.  It was Awesome!  I highly recommend you go if you get the chance.  In the meantime, find some pictures, sit quietly, and visualize – with feeling!