Friday, November 30, 2012

A Christmas Miracle

As we approach the phenomenons of 12-12 and 12-21-2012, we have been experiencing many wondrous things, some of the wonders marvelous - some not so.  We did not get here "all of a sudden."  If one looks back, one can track a series of happenings, some mystical - some not so much.  We are living in a wondrous time, are we not?  Here is a re-print of a story I posted on another site back in 2009.

A Christmas Miracle

I was driving back to Traverse City from downstate on Monday after Christmas following a whirlwind of get-togethers with family(s) and friends, listening to the audio book “The Law of Thinking” by Bishop E. Bernard Jordan    It really had me captivated, explaining the laws of manifestation in a very God based manner quite different than most I’ve read, yet the basic principles were the same.  They always are!

North of Grayling, I found myself behind a big truck.  Not exactly a snow plow, this truck had a blade underneath its body and was scraping the pavement.  I knew it would be some time before we would reach passing lanes, because we had just come off one.  Driving 32 miles an hour and unable to see oncoming traffic, I chose to practice patience and go with the flow, however “trickling” it may seem.

There were six big flashing red and yellow lights on the back of this monster-sized truck.  After about ten minutes I thought to myself “I’m good with this slow go, but the lights are really getting to my eyes.”

Almost immediately, six threads appeared between each light and a spot on my car at the base of the windshield, just to the left of my vision.  “What is on my car?” was my first mental question, followed by an intuitive answer:  Nothing.  I leaned right, and then left to see if the lights followed my movement, proving that I was having an optical illusion.  I have never seen energy or auras as many of my friends have. The threads stayed fast to that pinpoint on the car.  Then I noticed that, as oncoming traffic went by, white lights from their headlights sent threads to the same spot on the car, joining the yellow and red ones.

Then it hit me.  Neither the lights from the truck nor the lights from oncoming cars were bothering my eyes!  I searched for a rational explanation, but not for long.  I was witnessing a miracle!  I drove on in awe, watching the threads, and listening to Bishop Bernard talk about how God wants us to be wealthy and prosperous.

We finally reached passing lanes.  The second I passed the truck, all the threads disappeared, including the ones from the oncoming cars.  Those lights bothered my eyes a bit, as they always have.  I remained in fascination of what I had seen and refused to over-analyze or try to rationalize. 

I know miracles are always happening.  I even recognized the happening after the fact, having a little “Aha” moment.  I have never had one in my face before!  I am still in awe and know, deep down, that I will be a witness again. 

January 4, 2009

May your experiences this season and in 2013 be mystical and wondrous.

Friday, November 2, 2012

Who Stole My Chi!

The Art of Bliss by Tess Whitehurst is a new book we're carrying at the Higher Self Bookstore and my manager, Rodasi, recommended I read it. She also recommended we do some of the things suggested in the book in the store.  Okay, so, I'm reading this book and it's based on the I Ching and reminds me a lot of feng shui, only different.  Sidenote:  A lot of people use the phrase "same difference" and I never could understand it, although it does seem to fit in this case.

The nine keys of life (kinda like the feng shui bagua) represent invisible dynamics that affect the visible manifestations.  First step is to get these key life areas cleaned up to allow "Chi" (life energy) to flow so that the visible manifestations we'd prefer, well - manifest!  Now isn't it funny that almost every book about "Creating the Life You Desire" tells you to de-clutter?  So much evidence - it must be true!

So I start in the basement of my home.  After about four hours and much progress, I decide it's time to take a break.  As I walk into my bedroom, I notice the half-finished needlework projects growing in the corner.  I recall reading somewhere that unfinished projects can also block "Chi", so I decide to dig in.  I found two baby hats that only needed trimming to finish, a scarf that needed about another four inches knitted, two blankets more than half done, a couple pair of slippers waiting to just be sewn up, a sweater that needed the pieces sewn together, and a poncho that only needed the fringe added.  There's more, I'm sure, at the bottom of the pile.

The truth is, I like to knit and crochet.  I don't enjoy the sewing and trimming.  That's how the pile got started.  If I'd had a deadline, if I was working on a gift for a specific occasion, it would have been done, wrapped, and delivered. Without a deadline, I tend to do the fun part and leave the not-fun part waiting for - a deadline?  Hm, how's that like my life?

I never seem to get past step one (de-cluttering).  As I physically move the stuff around or finish the project, the "clutter" in my head comes into focus. Damn, more issues to address. Like this one:

As I'm working on how to make this blanket bigger, I'm thinking about who I will give it to.  This is usually my goal, to make a gift for someone else.  Aside from the cost of the yarn, on sale or not, I put hours into the creation.  It has become valuable!  Someone else will truly appreciate this gift, value this gift, and know that I value them by presenting them with this gift.  As I petted this extremely soft, furry wonder, it occurs to me (not the first time) that it would look great on my bed.  Oh, no - I must give it away!  Why? Good question.

Did I not deserve it?  Was it more than I was worthy of?  Don't I love myself enough to give myself this gift? I laid it on my bed and snuggled underneath it. So warm, so soft. I felt guilt.  Oh, come on!  So you see what I mean?  My head and heart needed attention and a cleaning out as well.  This issue, anyway, did get tossed and the blanket is still on my bed and I enjoy it with gratitude and appreciation every night.

It's a constant process.  Being aware is key, and taking action is critical. Even if the action is just having a heart-to-heart with yourself, asking yourself the hard questions (not just doing the fun stuff), or meditating. It is all so worth it!  Ah, Chi!  Welcome back!