At this moment, I am practicing writing, typing, letting the words flow through me, and listening for a customer to enter the Higher Self Bookstore. Of course, we all know you cannot do more than one thing at a time. I like to think I can, that I’m a fabulous multi-tasker, but in reality – one thing at a time. (Excuse me; I need to peek in on the front of the store.)
Ok, where was I? Yes, practicing. I had the honor of meeting Dan Millman, author of The Way of the Peaceful Warrior, among many other just as wonderful books. He presented me with a copy of his latest book, The Four Purposes of Life. I know what you’re thinking, another book on the purpose of life. Well, this one intrigued me, and I read it over the next two days. (Oh, there goes the phone.)
The big AHA for me in this book was a way to be in the now, to experience the present moment – by practicing. Whatever I am doing in any moment, practice that! (I really should be cleaning the bathroom; I’ll do it in a minute.) Practice doing the dishes, practice typing, practice taking a shower, practice, practice, practice! (Oh, now I have to go to the bathroom! Be right back. Unless I get busy, in which case I’ll be back as soon as I can.)
Ok, I’m back, and practicing sitting in this chair. Now I’m practicing talking to you! Yes, I’ve been poking a little fun at trying to do several things at one time and getting interrupted, physically and mentally. But I gotta tell you, when I truly focus on practicing what I’m doing, I am in the Now. Another benefit of practicing what I’m going, I learn way to do it better! That’s what practicing was always all about, wasn’t it?
My daughter and new grandson now live with me. Jonathan Stanley is eight weeks, and Anna is recovering from a post-partum heart failure and graves disease (I know I should capitalize, but I don’t want to give them that much importance).
(Oh, I have to leave for a bit. Sorry.) Ok, I just practiced Being with some lovely people and ringing up a couple sales. I’m not just playing with the words here. When I remember to practice what I’m doing, I am fully present!
Now, back to family life. On top of everything else, my lists of things to do have multiplied significantly. As I practice feeding the baby, and not thinking about what I should be doing or what I’ll do next when I get up off this chair, I enter the moment in Joy. I practice interacting with my daughter, focused and fully present, and I enJoy her company! Of course, sometimes I forget, and when I forget, I’m not so happy – go figure!
My intention is to practice what’s in front of me to do (not “think” about why I have to do it, why doesn’t someone else do it, it’s not my turn), and trust that I will know what to do in the next moment that follows. Eckhart Tolle, author of The Power of Now, says to “think” less to be in the present moment. If I’m practicing, my thinking is minimized to the one thing I’m doing. Imagine that! So, thanks Dan and Eckhart, from me, in the Now!