Saturday, February 27, 2010

To Get Out Of It You Must Be In It!

I have started walking, usually in the mornings. I know, I thought an alien had possessed my body as well - the jury is still out. Anyway, I'm up to about two miles in 45 minutes. Yes! This is good.

A couple mornings ago, after wrapping myself up in coat, scarf, hat and gloves, I started out and immediately noticed just how cold it was. I've been walking in the cold (I am in Northern Michigan you know!), but today the wind was up and I was very tempted to turn around and take off all the layers (why I haven't bought long johns yet is a mystery), and put in a Jane Fonda video.

But I kept moving forward. My mind started playing with the possibilities of getting what I wanted in a shorter period of time so I could get out (of the cold!). I don't run. A couple years ago my sister and I ran across a parking lot to see if we could run because it had been so long since we did. We could, we were happy about that, and we stopped. A week or so ago I had to run across Garfield to get to the track - it wasn't awful. Last weekend end my sister was walking with me and suggested a short jog - 30 seconds. I made it 20 seconds. It wasn't awful.

So, hey, why don't I try mixing up the walking with a little jogging.....must be the alien speaking again. I'm saying: What? You know I don't run! It will hurt! I'll fall down! I'll break something! and so on and so on.

The alien possessing my body kept me walking, then jogging for 30 seconds, then walking, then jogging. On flat planes and inclines. As I was adjusting to this new "can do" I started thinking of other situations where I would like to "get out of it" and how changing what I did could provide the same effect, reap the same rewards, in less time. Wow, the possibiities!

I had to be "in it" to see a new way "out." I needed the challenge to be immediate, in this case anyway. I suppose one can look at it from a distance and analyse and come of with possible solutions. But I'm guessing the best ideas come from being "in it" or having been "in it" and never wanting to go there again.

So, I got a good work out and shaved off about 15-20 minutes (I always forget to check the clock before I head out). I just may try it again! I could still use some long johns - and a good sports bra.