Wednesday, December 30, 2009

The Latest "Cuss" Word

This is my holiday gift for you, wishing you a wonderful, prosperous 2010! Someone asked me to think of the perfect gift I'd like to receive and my response was "that one thing that keeps me from manifesting, experiencing, allowing and receiving prosperity into my life."

So, how can I give this to you? I'm not sure but I do have an observation that just may be the trick for some of you. I know the application of this gift is already making a difference in my state of affluence.

For the last couple months I have been noticing the phrase "I can't afford it", being used by myself, my employees, customers, friends and family. It became like a red flag, demanding I pay attention.

Some people said "I can't afford (something)" in order to shut someone up. You know, the "Hi, how are you?" "Fine." - end of conversation conversation. Many times when I heard the "I can't afford....." I just knew it wasn't the truth, whether the speaker recognized they were lying or not.

And way too often it was just what it was...a belief that it just wasn't possible, a conversation about lack. Especially now with all this talk about the economy and bad times. Listen closely and you can hear a choir of "can't afford" at any time across the country.

I have decided that this should be considered the newest, latest "cuss" word/phrase, that a penalty should be paid for each utterance. I have given some of my friends the equivalent of "cuss boxes" for their quarters, dollars, whatever they choose, and asked them to spread the word.

Because...this particular phrase of lack is totally dis empowering. At the very best, it is a bad habit, complete with negative energy and low vibration. We need to eliminate it and replace it with empowering, vibration raising affirmations.

Now, exactly what kind of affirmations to use have eluded me until recently. The problem with affirmations are unless they have even a slight chance of being true for you, they are empty words and will not fill the void created by NOT saying that phrase of lack.

So I have this suggestion instead: talk about what you are choosing to do with excitement and passion. For instance, instead of saying I can't afford (that something), say with enthusiasm something like "oh, I just love it, but I am so close to saving for (name it), or so close to paying off that credit card and being debt free!!! Yeah!!!

Get the idea? Be excited about your goals and your progress, not down about stuff you choose not to have just at this time. Do not buy into the victim hood community, avoid the woe is me sayers, the we are family in doom and gloom.

Just imagine for a moment everyone being excited about tomorrow and its possibilities, as a choir, at any time. What a difference - and how could the Universe possibility say no?

Have a Happy, Prosperous New Year!